While still reeling from discovering Adam's new relationship, Benny meets someone with a shared past and some drastic ideas on how to get revenge.
Cast: Benny: Nick Miller; Trevor: Demetri Rodgers; Adam Baxley: Benjamin Checots; Lee: Megan Kitzman; Professor Stewart: Rosemary Ragenoski-Campbell; Leah Collins: Amber Gately; Receptionist: Makayla Nachtrab; Extras: Bailey Laird, Sarah Schwalbe, Trebeck Lemond, Olivia Kohl, Becky Schmidt, Taycee Zach, Heather Hagedorn Executive Producer: Bailey Laird; Producers: Bailey Laird, Ryan Patton, Megan Kitzman; Directors: Bailey Laird, Ryan Patton; Writers: Bailey Laird, Ryan Patton, Tesse Allen; Director of Photography: Ryan Patton; Assistant Director: Megan Kitzman; Editors: Ryan Patton, Dustin Banh, Bailey Laird; Sound: Chris Kundert, Dustin Banh, Steve Bukowski, Thatcher Lemond; Gaffers: Joely Hurkman, Bailey Laird; Production Assistants: Amber Galewski, Cory Sparks, Max Rinn, Becky Schmidt, Kenzie Wolfe, Erik Berlin, Steve Bukowski, Thatcher Lemond, Becca Hawbaker